
LILA covers emerging contemporary visionary and sacred art, artists, exhibitions, and related themes such as deep ecology, shamanism, mythology and new global world culture. ‘Lila’ is Sanskrit for ‘Cosmic Play’, the universe experienced as arising from the joyous love play and creative adventures of the Divine.

The mission of the project is to explore the emergence of a contemporary sacred and visionary art within the context of global culture. Lila is also a means to facilitate and strengthen the community of artists and art lovers who love deep imaginal art.

The website was created by painter and writer Daniel Mirante in 2000 ad as a resource for people exploring ‘medicine culture’ ; shamanic forms of creativity and healing of the whole being, including visionary or sacred art, breathwork, rebirthing and plant-based entheogenic practices.

Daniel Mirante
Director, editor, author, curator, networker, artist

Daniel Mirante has been wandering the wilderness of the imagination for 34 years. He is fascinated with the exploration of mysticism, deep ecology, mythology, and creativity, especially painting. His art and writing have appeared worldwide in a variety of publications, websites, exhibitions and calendars.

He has been involved in several prominent visionary art exhibitions and his work hangs in several temples and private collections around the world. His art can be viewed at www.danielmirante.com

Delvin Solkinson
Ally, author, consultant, curator, permaculture designer, correspondent

Delvin Solkinson

Nestled in the lush mossy rainforest climes of coastal British Columbia, Delvin lives in a tiny village where he tends to his gardens.

Producing intentional events, gatherings and conferences as well as working with others to give workshops, presentations and courses, Delvin helps facilitate educational environments.

He runs Dew Press which produces galactik trading cards and visionary art catalogues. He also helps with Gaiacraft, a permaculture design initiative.

His life changed forever when he met Daniel Mirante online, then eventually in person, who has inspired his planetary culture building efforts and invited him to join the Lila team. Currently Delvin works as a gardener and permaculture teacher.

Lunaya Shekinah
Contributor, consultant, correspondent, editor, curator

Lunaya Shekinah is a multidisciplinary art networker, curator and promoter, a light steward working through new media, internet, and within the lush, wild ecologies of British Columbia, Canada.

Her personal mission is to live her life as an offering to the divine, assisting in the evolution of all beings. This intention infuses her work in art culture, facilitating community dialogue, permaculture, and healing practices.

Lunaya’s contributions to the art spirit culture have included the directorship and curation of ‘Light Science’ (www.lightscience.ca), an exposition of the diverse visionary art scene. Lunaya supports community and educational projects through which creativity may express itself outside of conventional gallery structures. The Galactik Trading Card community building initiative and card project (www.elvism.net) is key in this work.

Other contributors
The project is not possible without the open-handed collaboration and support of the artists who compose the various networks that add up to the contemporary world of visionary and sacred art. A special thanks must be extended to Laurence Caruana, Oleg Korolev, David Heskin, Aloria Weaver, Andrew Gonzalez and Maura Holden, for their continued extension of inspiration and support