Buying Electronic Cigarettes

Electronic cigarette starter kits contain everything necessary to use e-cigarettes. Consumers have a variety of options from the mouthpiece design to flavored nicotine cartridges. Nicotine levels vary from product to product and can range from 0 mg to 18 mg or more. Currently, there is no ban on using e-cigarettes in malls, theaters and other public areas. The vapor emitted from the electronic cigarettes is not offensive to non-smokers.

Most smokers try several times before they successfully stop smoking. Since smokers start so early in life, giving up cigarettes can be like losing a family member or best friend. Over time, smokers not only deal with an addiction to nicotine, but a chronic behavior that can fill (or seem to fill) a variety of needs. Some smokers find medical or psychological assistance helpful while others do well with searching for new ways to meet perceived needs that cigarettes appear to fill. When giving up something that has been central to a lifestyle and deeply ingrained as a pattern, finding replacement interests and activities can make a difference.

As always, it is wise to check with a family medical practitioner when making any major lifestyle changes.